Friday, December 15, 2006

The worst website ever made.

In early 2001, Dr. Kamran Afzal created the worst website in history. (Maximum appreciation can only be achieved by viewing & listening with IE.)
(Maximum appreciation can only be achieved by viewing & listening with IE.) Unfortunately Users of digg Do not does IE! Ugh! I have to switch to my old windows 98 machines to fireup the old IE 6 to get the Maximum appreciation Experience of this site.
The theme music is so 80's cheesy!I can't wait for someone to do a music montage of this site on Youtube!!
doctaire kamran afzel is the greatest in the world, his formula is natural herbolic made in wall, this herbal had been air wall been has no side effect, then the doctaire kamran afzal is the greatest in the world.

read more | digg story

1 comment:

The Ubiquitous Mr. Siouxmoux said...

doctaire kamran afzel is the greatest in the world, his formula is natural herbolic made in wall, this herbal had been air wall been has no side effect, then the doctaire kamran afzal is the greatest in the world.