Monday, July 04, 2005

Deep Impact prepares for comet crash | CNET

Deep Impact prepares for comet crash | CNET "Astronomers as far back as Aristotle have speculated about the sudden appearance of comets that blaze through the night sky.

Aristotle believed that comets erupted from the Earth into the heavens, while American astronomer Fred Whipple suggested in 1950 that comets resembled dirty snowballs composed of rocks, frozen water, and other compounds made up of carbon and hydrogen.

Deep Impact On Sunday evening, observers finally may have answers to some of these celestial questions. At 10:52 p.m. PDT, a NASA spacecraft the size of a wine barrel is scheduled to slam into the Tempel 1 comet at roughly 23,000 mph.

The impact, projected to leave a crater that could swallow a football stadium, is intended to scrape away part of Tempel 1's surface and expose what's underneath.

'We know that the crust--the outside shell of a"

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