Friday, August 23, 2024

New Granger Shopping Center to Open Tuesday

14 THE STATE JOURNAL Monday, June 9, 1958

New Granger Shopping Center to Open Tuesday

S. Cedar Development Features 3 Stores Of Self-Service Type

Developer Keith Grangre will cut "Lansing's longest rihben" Toesday to mark the grand opening of the fats three self service stores in the new Granger Shopping exter

When Granger snips the ribbon, measuring more than 200 fret, nariz shop market. Hedlan new enianial A & Hardware and Furtney Super Drug P in the ping center at Cedar and Jolly ris in Lamsing township. Russell Carart in directing a staff

Harvey's Standard Service also of some 40 men and women Is lncated in the new shopping inter detened to serve em Mr. Taylor said the new well conditioned stare, which has 10 as South Lamming, helt and Delhi complete departments, township areas. signed at conform to findings of Attending opening ceremonies a comprehensive survey of the Furtney and Harvey Fritch, own Holt and Delhi township areas.

ers of establish We hope Taylor said, "that dam the consumers in this area by be as proud and Las pleased with three of the in the center, and Pofficials headed Code L. Taylor, general super what they see in this store an intendent of the Grand Rapids we are." unit and E. A. LaPage, unit sales Quick and efficient shopping 3


manager MANY FIRSTS' characterizes the design and lay out of the new supermarket. A A number of merchandising Pavel parking lot for nearly 200 Innovations and "fint highcars is also ineluded in the aut ght introduction of the s

Food Stores


Founded 1859


Self-Serve Hardware

New Furtney Drugstore Stresses Prescriptions

ging centre The A & P supermarket is the emparty's first colonial design food sture in the Lansing are only the second such

A&P Fleet Takes Alaskan Salmon

stallation the state Hedlund Hardware is desershed as Latsing's only acid wave hard ware and features the most rum

a new trend in modern

A foot prescription depart attractively designed and pe Howard Hedlund

mess manned by three regissenting

tered pharmacists will be spot Goplay, als will festate a cam era department with one-day lighted in Lansing's second larg service, fountain service for est drug stors food and soft drinks all partment and bume delivery

to Run

Modern Store Blending

Ose of A & P's last known enterprises in the Nakat Packing corporation, which packs in plumbing department in Alaskan canneries the pink

The kingsind prescription de Bourjar artment draw and the Furtney Super Drag's oper red salmon the chain distributes ing as one of three self-serve

unuts in the new Granger shop reping center. . The drug store is oword by Jack Fury of Lansing

Fartney Super Drug will the Lansing area's send large drog store and also will be self service in mert departments

be through its stores Nakat's salmen speration - quires about 100 tenders, tops purse-seine boats, gill net fishing

the store To launch eslonial super mart A & P will offer th-long pengram of awards,

cuniste, eaways and demon strutions. ZANGER MANAGER

The supermarket will be under

the management of Charles Zang

er. an A & Pemplore since 1942. and farmer manager of the super rket located at 1900 E Mich gonave. He will be assisted by

of a meesher family with nearby 100 years of experience in the drug field. Furtney, a graduate of Ferris institute, is the sett of

The salmon canning runs from June 25 to Juls

is 30 days of gruelling effort. C. Furtney, a registered drug fishermen earn as mochigist for half a century. He als as they would in many months has a brother who sperates at other

work. They work 18 three drag stores in Pontiac hours a day in to Lansing six Fishing years ago and opened his pres

ground 30 40 miles out to ent store at 2732 W. M der the constant threat are, and also one of 1517 K. Kal He had operated a Jackson

of the dreaded squalle of

dey, the

Color and Light

The Hedland Hardware sture

in the new Granger shopping center will be the Lansing arexa

only self-serve hardware, accord wer Einar operated by Hedlund and managed by his Howard will feature whal has been described as the mo complete plumbing department in this section of Michigan

The big hardware store, beard- ing the mest modern display a pleasant blending of eslor and lights, also will fea ture outstanding paint, tool and gift departments.


Hedlund, who came is Lansing nearly 40 years apk, kas special ined in the plumbing and hard wure business in 1941.

GRAND OPENING-Set for grand coening Tuesday is the Granger She Shepping southwest corner Cadar Three units will in the grand spening. Hardware store and Purtney drugs. The center wwners plen future expansion (State Jour

Assistant Manager Important

Another key man in the en

perienced organization required for the mouth operation of a hig supermarket is the amistant

manager. Serving in that capacity in the new A & Penlonial supermarket opening tomorrow in the Gran is Rassel center

The was assistant manager stare located at 1008

Carart will andst Manager Charles Zanger in directing a staff of me 40 full and part time emplerea she will serve the food needs of Lansing arva

consumers in the self-service


Couart began his career with food chain time clerk n the St. Joseph store. He has had experience

practically every department food retail store. At the time his most recent asigement.

He is married to the Harbor. They reside at 720







South Cedar at Jolly Re





IV 7-5

Congratulations to


South Cedar at Jolly Rd., Lansing

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